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plant trees with

the strong women of virunga, congo


The More you Give the More you Live

Apart from creating seriously stunning jewelry, Kevedi is about raising awareness and acting on it and therefore Kim & Eva want to give back in a tangible manner.

Africa is a continent close to Kim's heart having lived in Sudan, Ghana and South Africa, both during her youth and for work, and this explains the choice to support the Women in Virunga Project*.

*Femmes de Virunga

With the financial support of the Original Beans One Bar : One Tree programme the Femmes founded the world’s first women cacao cooperative in 2016.


Centuries of exploitation and decades of armed conflicts have made Eastern Congo one of the world’s poorest places and perhaps the harshest to live as a woman. Saddled with agricultural work, firewood gathering, water hauling, and childcare, women have seen an increase in their burdens as the economy has deteriorated. Girls are always the first ones to drop out of school. Violence against women has become a normal aspect of day-to-day reality even at the household level.

Achieving True Impact

Kevedi donates 1% of her yearly revenue to the Femmes de Virunga. Since 2012 the yield of planting cacao trees has empowered hundreds of phenomenal women to create financial and social security for themselves. Today, the Femmes have planted more than a quarter of a million cacao trees and approximately 40 thousand shade trees.


By planting trees with Kevedi we help the women of Virunga AND give back to the earth by regenerating what we consume.


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